Journey of ascension

Spiritual Technology that will transform the way you live &Love!

A Call To Adventure!

  • Are you having a hard time feeling stable and secure?

  • Have you recently gone through massive change?

  • Does your job feel out of alignment?

  • Are your relationships suffering?

  • Do you feel lost or hopeless?

  • Does your life lack purpose?

  • Do you crave a healthier routine?

  • Would you like to learn to love yourself?

  • Are you ready for an empowering life overhaul?

What Do You Receive?

  • 98 Audio Guided Meditations

  • Daily Chakra Teachings

  • Daily Assignments

  • Daily Journaling

  • Daily Music

  • Weekly Live Video Meetings with Nicole & Ryan Oman!

  • Visual Meditations with Sacred Geometry Animation created by Axon Genesis

    • BONUS: Preparation week

    • BONUS: Integration week

HOW does it work?

- Morning Guidance -

You will receive a 7-10 minute teaching from Ryan, followed by the healing sounds of our crystal singing bowls. The teachings will help you start your day with insight and inspiration. The bowls will tune the harmonic frequency of your subtle energy body, aligning you to the energy of the day.

- Evening Meditations -

You will also receive a 15-20 minute meditation with Nicole. These meditations will tap into your subconscious mind, and help you drift off to sleep.  They will disentangle your subconscious patterns and old beliefs, helping you release self-sabotaging behaviors and ultimately take your power back!

- Weekly Live Meetings -

You are not alone on this path. Each week you are fully supported by us and your fellow travelers with a live video chat. You can submit questions and concerns, so we can better support your process. This part of the program cannot be overemphasized! You will form lasting relationships that will nurture and sustain all your future endeavors.

The Stars of the Show!

- Root - 

Money - Body - Family - Lineage - Security - Safety - Commitment

- Sacral - 

Sensuality - Creativity - Sexuality - Emotional Health - Cycles - Flow

- Solar Plexus - 

Self-esteem - Confidence - Will Power - Humor - Attractiveness

- Heart - 

Relationships - Compassion - Forgiveness - Gratitude - Love

- Throat - 

Honest Communication - Community - Friendships - Harmony - Music

- third Eye - 

Mental Health - Dreams - Visions - Subconscious - Intuition - Insight

- Crown - 

Spiritual Connection - Relationship to Divinity - Faith - Wisdom - Gifts

How did we do it?

Ryan & Nicole created this program by walking the path themselves! 

In 2019,  Ryan found himself in severe depression, adrenal fatigue with severe bouts of anger and frustration. Like most of us, he was overworked, underpaid, and had absolutely no passion for life.  He decided that his health & family were more important than his job, and took a massive step back. He decided to do what seemed to be the most unproductive action possible;  sat down and stared at a wall.

As he sat on his cushion, eyes open in the Zen tradition, he noticed a tapestry of the Seven Major Chakras. He began developing a relationship to these timeless energy centers and eventually decided to invest in a set of 7 crystal singing bowls, that correspond to each chakra. Over the course of several months, he sat on his cushion, played his bowls and toned alongside the sounds. The rest and contemplation reset his body, mind and even his soul. His passion was renewed and he started to accept and even like himself, for the first time in his life!

Ryan then committed to researching the science of sound therapy and meditation and discovered that this ancient healing method has a surprising amount of contemporary research to confirm his experiences. Ryan then used this knowledge to develop a healthier relationship with his anger, and began to direct extra energy into this work.

Nicole, being a successful professional healer for the past decade herself,  began to invest in Ryan’s work and their relationship completely transformed! They built deeper trust, intimacy, communication, and love in everyday life. Their frustrations and fears transformed into passion and dedication to this effective path of healing. 

Ryan and Nicole have a personal connection to this program because they created it to heal their own relationship, career, health and purpose. 

- Results -

In 2021, Ryan and Nicole shared The Journey of Ascension Program with a select group of comrades and clients. The results were incredible!

  • A man overcame and healed years of addiction!

  • A dating couple vastly improved their communication!

  • A married couple dramatically deepened their intimacy!

  • A married woman overcame massive bouts of fear and anxiety!

  • Several Business professionals received promotions and raises!

  • A woman was empowered to leave a dysfunctional relationship!

  • And a man who isolated himself for 25yrs is now dating very successfully!


    “I have learned to trust myself! I worry far less.” 

    - Marissa

    “I have found stillness and presence in my life. That is what I was looking for in the alcohol and marijuana, I used to do. I am able to get that type of stillness on my own now.” 

    - Chris

    “My husband and I did the program together. My husband has never meditated before. My son came up to me this weekend and told me that he has seen the difference in Dad since he started the meditations. He seems more chill and happy.”

    - Annette 


The folks in this video are actual participants of our program!

Our mission is to… 

Teach love in all its aspects

Real. Authentic. Love